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Crypto Address Registration

Registration of your crypto wallet's address is required prior to non-fungible token (NFT) redemption. Registration also provides protection against lost NFTs due to accidental permanent loss of access to your crypto wallet. Thus, even if you have no plans to redeem NFTs, it is still highly encouraged to register as a safeguard against accidental permanent loss.

Registration works by creating a digital signature from your hashed form input. This all done locally on your machine and Collect9 does not store any of this information. It will up to you to provide identical form input later on to validate your registration's information.

You must ensure the form input used to generate your digital signature is accurate and able to pass a possible KYC a check later, as one may be required. Note that P.O. boxes will not pass such KYC checks.

Basic registration is free, and any number of them may be attached to a single crypto address.

Advanced registration stores a portion of the registration on Ethereum and thus requires blockchain transaction fees, but comes at the benefit of allowing you to perform the first and one-time only step of the token redemption process ahead of time, while Ethereum gas fees may be cheaper. Each crypto address may only have one active smart contract stored advanced registration at a time.

Registration Form